Monday, April 29, 2019

Planets and Numerology : Our Way for a Better Tomorrow - Best Psychic in Ontario

Now, we all know that there are nine planets in our solar system and the nine main numbers ranging from 1 to 9 on which all our material calculations are based. We also know that astrology is all about the study of the movements and positions of the planetary bodies and their undeniable influence on human life. Each planet rules on a particular sign of the twelve zodiac signs and have a specific individual characteristic, trait, and vibration that influences the person born under it. 

Guru Raghavendra Ji is the Best Psychic in Ontario

Our famous Best Psychic in Ontario, Guru Raghavendra Ji with his mastery and expertise in Astrology and its various mediums can effectively and accurately foretell the future of an individual based on the interconnected study of the numbers and planets in our life.

Let's Find Out What Do Different Numbers Represent In Our Life With Best Psychic In Ontario

  • Number 1- it’s the no. of sun and stands for leadership qualities, ownership, and characters like egoistic.

  • Number 2- it represents the moon and stands for a person with feelings and emotions.

  • Number 3 - it’s the number of Jupiter and is symbolic of knowledge and wisdom.

  • Number 4 – representing Rahu and also characters of mischief and good planners.

  • Number 5 –it represents mercury and a person of emotional and mental balance.

  • Number 6- symbolic of Venus, its stand for people who enjoy luxury and various forms of art like singing, dancing, etc.

  • Number 7- the number of Ketu, people with this number are usually double-faced and are prone to cheating, and are secretive.

  • Number 8- the number of Saturn, people with this sign usually have a lot of struggle in their lives and end up doing more work than others.

  • Number 9 - the number of mars, this sign represents humanity and good quality of life.
Yes, we do know that problems are a part of our lives, and struggle is like an omnipresent part of our existence, but there is no point in facing problems and troubles when there is someone to help us find accurate and quick results for them. If you and your loved ones are tired of the never-ending troubles in your life and want to find a permanent solution for them, get in touch with our Psychic Reader in Ontario, Guru Raghavendra Ji, and bid goodbye to your problems forever. 

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